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Covering email with this post...


I hope you don’t mind…

I have started publishing ‘sensitive’ information on Substack, owing to the increasing online censorship of natural health information, which is, sadly, very widespread.

My attempts to get the truth out to people on the Wild As The Wind Information Website has been very damaging. Google has strong commercial ties with Big Pharma, and it invests in vaccines, so, websites offering alternatives have been severely demoted in search results over the last couple of years. I only receive a handful of visitors a day - I used to receive hundreds.

But, whilst it is harming my livelihood, and your access to premium products, the information I am publishing on Substack is pressingly important. Please see it as a clear invitation for you to start collaborating and pushing back against the increasing inequities and loss of civil liberties, because if this doesn’t happen now, then the immediate future will look very bleak indeed.

We cannot comply our way out of this situation. Only non-compliance will thwart the power-crazed individuals and agencies who have been systematically stripping us of civil liberties and freedoms, for a virus which kills less people than the average flu.

But, ‘their’ vaccines have sent the all-cause mortality rates skyrocketing. Literally hundreds of top athletes, (the fittest people in the world), have been dropping dead and suffering heart attacks etc, on football pitches, tennis and basketball courts, the world over.

Even the fittest and healthiest amongst us are not spared vaccine harms.

It’s why Novak Djokovic ‘just said no to the drugs’.

But, the powers that be are not giving up. They are trying to drive through pandemic policies, via the WHO, (World Health Organisation), which will strip our governments of the power to protect us from future Draconian measures.

Bill Gates is the largest funder of the WHO, through direct and indirect funding, which means he is egregiously overly influential when it comes to world health policy.

Gates is a heavy investor in vaccines, and has even been booted out of India for extreme vaccine harms. He is also broadly loathed in Africa for the same reason. And, now the West is finally waking up to the vaccine harms he’s inflicted on us!

I personally believe Bill Gates is unwell and that we need to look after him.

But, if we let the WHO gain complete control of our health rights, with Gates effectively at the helm, we will effectively elevate this man, (with potentially serious mental health issues), to a position of complete omnipotence!

It’s like someone as crazy as Hitler has found a loophole to achieve absolute power!

I write these articles without charge, not because I am superhuman and have no need for food and a roof over my head, but because they are urgently needed. I am committed to helping as many people as possible. And, I write them because we still have a chance to avert the ultimate, intolerable outcomes.

Health facism is a real thing, and it’s well on its way! Only we can stop it.

If we don’t have autonomy over our own bodies, we are utterly powerless!

But, having said that, I am obviously not interested in wasting my time. I need to see that you are reading and sharing this information, and that you are making an effort to bring about positive change. That means I need you to like these posts, comment on them to let me know what you think, and most importantly, I need you to share them with others.

If you help me do that, so that we can somehow make a difference, then I will continue to surrender my days in the sun this summer, and sit tapping away at my keyboard instead.

If you don’t, then I’ll see you at the beach! Because, it will likely be the last year we will be able to go there!

There’s one thing I know for sure… I can’t help those who cannot help themselves. So, if all you are doing is reading my articles without interactions and sharing them, then you are likely just making yourself more miserable, and what’s the point in that?

And yes, it might create waves if you share my articles with those who are most resistant to acknowledging what’s really going on… so, don’t share with those who can’t cope. It would be cruel to do so.

The further a society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those who speak it.

Just share these articles with those who are wavering!

If I can give up an entire day in writing an article for you, you can surely spend five minutes sending an email to a select few of your family and friends? And then ask them to pass it on.

Sadly, if you don’t start interacting and sharing my articles, then there’s nothing I can do to help you… So, I will do us all a favour and stop publishing them… and, I will start praying that something else will save us from ourselves!

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Another excellent article, great to see so many references and resources. Many I already know , some are new and I will investigate further. The most important work we can do now is educate ourselves on what is really going on. Then find ways to inform as many others as possible, this is how we resist. Fighting for our freedoms can only happen if there is a strong base of resistance.

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Dr. Colleen Huber released another book last year, "Neither Safe Nor Effective" regarding the vax, with over 350 citations listed. Well worth the $10 on Amazon (I know, I know). If you don't want to use Amazon, you may contact her clinic at (480) 839-2800 and I am sure they will be happy to mail you a copy of the book. She initially released the book for $10 in May 2022, with the notice that the price would be going up in June. However, she feels the information is so critical, that she has not raised the price. We have purchased books from several of the frontline doctors and scientists who have been screaming from the rooftops, with the data to prove what they are saying. We have been glad to support these courageous people with the little bit that we can do. Dr. Huber could have charged 2 - 3 times what she has for this book, which is as thoroughly researched (maybe more so) as any that the others have put out. It is well worth the time to read it and the small price to obtain a copy of it.

Disclaimer: We are patients of Dr. Huber and are grateful for all her efforts on behalf of her patients, and all of humanity in general.

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