Sadly, oncologists are effectively trained by Big Pharma and so have blinkers on... but yes, apoptosis failures will lead to the accumulation of cells... but, we need to ask the question, "why is this happening?" ... "why is the body compromised at such a fundamental level and to such devastating effect?" I personally feel that we are living in an increasingly toxic world and our immune systems can't cope, so we funnel resources into even more important activities than apoptosis... but, it really is on a 'fire-fighting, disaster recovery setting' at this point...
I have been applying nutrition to my personal medical problems successfully for three decades. I have found that nutrition can fix malnutrition and toxic problems with equal efficacy. Most people's nutrition is so poor that it has to be considered a miracle that they are alive. This is generally caused by willful ignorance. The best we can hope for is natural selection preventing them from passing their willful ignorance onto progeny.
Yes, it's true that some people's diets are inferior, but personal finances, and toxic working conditions (both physical and emotional), and toxic residential and familial environments, a school system that actively discourages critical thinking in socially deprived areas, and a lack of compassion from the more privileged elements of society, all contribute towards a bad state of affairs for a good number of people on this planet.
Nevertheless, I would venture that the most apparent wilful ignorance in this scenario, is actually yours...
You have no apparent appreciation of the nuanced situation a lot of people, who are suffering from poor health, are faced with. Add to this an overtly contemptuous regard for those who are less fortunate than you, and it's clear where you stand... and from my perspective, where you stand is firmly in the position of being very much part of the problem as opposed to being part of the solution.
If we lose our humanity, we lose everything... I don't feel much empathy or humanity coming from you... only contempt, arrogance, self-righteousness and a healthy amount of entitlement.
Be careful, my friend... the level of "poverty of spirit" you allow yourself to stoop to will determine your health... an abundant poverty of spirit will cost you a lot on an energetic level... And, it won't matter what you eat, you will get sick, because your contempt and judgement will start eating you from the inside out...
It's a complete privilege if it's what you chose to do. But, you don't have to be part of the privileged classes to suffer from an egregious sense of entitlement. That is usually born of a major inability to accept responsibility... and the privileged and underprivileged are both as susceptible as each other, to suffer from that...
Autoimmunity, or the body attacking itself, can lead to cancer, but it usually doesn't.
Most oncologists believe in the failure of natural apoptosis as the cause of cancer.
Sadly, oncologists are effectively trained by Big Pharma and so have blinkers on... but yes, apoptosis failures will lead to the accumulation of cells... but, we need to ask the question, "why is this happening?" ... "why is the body compromised at such a fundamental level and to such devastating effect?" I personally feel that we are living in an increasingly toxic world and our immune systems can't cope, so we funnel resources into even more important activities than apoptosis... but, it really is on a 'fire-fighting, disaster recovery setting' at this point...
I have been applying nutrition to my personal medical problems successfully for three decades. I have found that nutrition can fix malnutrition and toxic problems with equal efficacy. Most people's nutrition is so poor that it has to be considered a miracle that they are alive. This is generally caused by willful ignorance. The best we can hope for is natural selection preventing them from passing their willful ignorance onto progeny.
Yes, it's true that some people's diets are inferior, but personal finances, and toxic working conditions (both physical and emotional), and toxic residential and familial environments, a school system that actively discourages critical thinking in socially deprived areas, and a lack of compassion from the more privileged elements of society, all contribute towards a bad state of affairs for a good number of people on this planet.
Nevertheless, I would venture that the most apparent wilful ignorance in this scenario, is actually yours...
You have no apparent appreciation of the nuanced situation a lot of people, who are suffering from poor health, are faced with. Add to this an overtly contemptuous regard for those who are less fortunate than you, and it's clear where you stand... and from my perspective, where you stand is firmly in the position of being very much part of the problem as opposed to being part of the solution.
If we lose our humanity, we lose everything... I don't feel much empathy or humanity coming from you... only contempt, arrogance, self-righteousness and a healthy amount of entitlement.
Be careful, my friend... the level of "poverty of spirit" you allow yourself to stoop to will determine your health... an abundant poverty of spirit will cost you a lot on an energetic level... And, it won't matter what you eat, you will get sick, because your contempt and judgement will start eating you from the inside out...
I'm not sure how privileged living in a van since 1984 is.
It's a complete privilege if it's what you chose to do. But, you don't have to be part of the privileged classes to suffer from an egregious sense of entitlement. That is usually born of a major inability to accept responsibility... and the privileged and underprivileged are both as susceptible as each other, to suffer from that...