Photo Credit: Vince Gowmon :: Activating Light Healing
This article deals with the process through which we all heal ourselves… and how we get to a place where we can consciously heal ourselves at will.
It may seem to take a circuitous route, but please stick with it… all that I say is important… even if you can’t see the relevance at first…
Death & Birth… & Reincarnation?
There is no denying that we all must die. It’s one of the certainties of life. In fact, it is a very important process within our existence, as is birth… it’s why we do both so many times!
Until I was about 28 years of age, I was in abject denial of reincarnation. But, in an instant, on a dusty, hot bus in South India, headed for Matancherry, where I would later marry my beloved husband, that all changed.
I won’t explain the process, because revelations occur in unique ways for us all, so there’s no point in trying to replicate my experience. But, what I will tell you is this… the feeling of admitting my epiphany, in that moment, was, and is, identical to the feeling I always experience when the truth of a situation completely counters what I want it to be.
Many of you may be surprised by the feeling which befalls me after I have these crescendo-like experiences, because usually, arriving at this feeling often involves a very disquieting, protracted experience…
But, until I actually embody my realisation, there is no release. There really is no respite for the wicked!
The process of admitting what we know to be true is of paramount importance… we have to let it in! Mentally realising something, is not the same as admitting.
I’d Be Quick Out Of The Starting Blocks If I Could Find Them!
I had been mentally grappling with the concept of reincarnation since arriving in India, 18-odd months before my ‘realisation’.
In rationally acknowledging the concept, I was able to reject, rebuke, rebuff, deny, rail against, and discredit the notion of reincarnation to my heart’s content.
And, I did!
It was a deeply irritating thorn in my side, so I threw everything I had at it every time it entered my consciousness… The psychological equivalent of vases, books and coffee cups… anything I had to hand!
So, when I finally admitted reincarnation was ‘the truth’ I was amazed!
I was amazed at myself for admitting it!
But, when I did… that feeling I always feel, after surrendering to the truth, even though it is entirely at odds with what I want it to be, began to fill every cell of my body.
That feeling was, peace.
The truth had come home, and my body knew it. And, so did my soul.
The truth shall surely set us all free.
Running Around - Resisting Arrest!
That’s not to say I liked it one bit! I may have let it in, but there was always the cupboard under my internal stairs to hide it in! I brushed it right on in there with all of the broken crockery!
So, I ran from the truth for a further two years, before I was willing to take it out, dust it down, and begin the process of finally facing it.
If to admit is to let things in, then to be under arrest is to stop!
We Are All Human
Aren’t we just!?
We all have our vulnerabilities, our frailties and our blind sides. (That’s why it’s important to develop the ability for compassion… because these things manifest differently for us all… but, we all have them, as sure as eggs is eggs.)
Recent times have stretched us… seemingly beyond endurance… but, pinch yourself… we are still here… which, only goes to prove how enduring we are.
Nevertheless, these times have shaped us… They have invited us to be less than who we are. Less tolerant… more sure of our virtue for acting on what others told us we should do, and more condemnatory of those who chose to think for themselves…
In fact, there has been a massive invitation to forget our humanity altogether, which any major ‘them and us’ debacle will always conjure out of nowhere.
Sadly, woe betides us if we accept this invitation… for that which separates and divides us as a community, also destroys our integrity within.
The Laws Of The Universe
Universal Law speaks of ‘the One’.
Uni is One, of course… and we all know what verse is as well… The word Universe speaks of one voice, one lyrical melody… one symphony of being…
In striving to separate, distinguish and define as good or bad, we obliterate the oneness of all that it is…
If the truth is that we are all one, then denying it, and acting against it, will make us ill!
Attuning With The Truth To Heal Ourselves
Attuning with the truth equates to deliverance. Observing and living by Universal Law aligns us with all that is healing within our existence.
It assures the…
Deliverance from ignorance.
Deliverance from evil.
Transcendence of sickness, and all that disintegrates us.
"...for mind is the builder; for each cell in the atomic force of the body is as a world of its own, and each one - each cell - being in perfect unison, may build to that necessary to reconstruct the forces of the body in all its needs..."
Edgar Cayce
We Heal When We Live In Accord With Universal Law
Now! I’m not saying it’s easy. I think I’ve illustrated this point rather thoroughly within this article already… But, living in accordance with Universal Law will allow us to discover the truth of who we are. And, living in truth, is what makes us well.
Health is an Anglo-Saxon word meaning ‘whole’.
When we are in accord with Universal Law we are whole, we have integrity… we have our health.
We move away from dis-integration, when we integrate the truth of all that is.
That Which Creates All, Is Love
The following is an except from a very inspiring article, written by a Harvard Neurosurgeon, who fell into a coma after contracting bacterial meningitis. His extraordinary near-death experience, in which he witnessed ‘heaven’, as a place of profound, unadulterated love and compassion, underpinning all life and creation. In the last 12 years, since his recovery, he has devoted himself to research and new understandings…
Human Consciousness Has the Power to Heal Illness
We mistakenly believe that consciousness is generated by the material brain, as I did before I fell into a coma, but this is not true.
The new theory in science is the “filtering theory.”
That is, the brain is like a physical processing plant. Our will is free even when it is not in the brain, and it possesses great power to influence the physical world. The placebo effect, for example, is the miraculous healing effect that occurs when the patient is simply comforted in the mind.
The book “Spontaneous Remission: An Annotated Bibliography” documented over 3,500 unexplained cases of self-recovery from cancer, and infectious, congenital, and degenerative diseases in the mid-1990s. The reason was often that the patient’s own faith had an unexpected healing effect.
Actions such as sitting in meditation and praying can also help people enter a healing state, as I have experienced with my therapeutic near-death experience, although our modern medicine is largely unable to explain how near-death experiences can have miraculous healing effects.
We can also look to other near-death experiences for reference. For instance, Anita Moorjani recovered from being on the verge of death from cancer, and skeletal surgeon Mary C Neal miraculously recovered 30 minutes after drowning. These separate cases of spiritual healing are all amazing examples. And the placebo effect is similar to the effect of praying, which is a very powerful healing method.
What’s Next?
If you want to know more about Universal Law, just let me know. It’s high time we focus on what really matters if we want to create a better world.
I am happy to consider talks, workshops, and days in nature to discuss and explore Universal Law together. If you are interested in any of these ideas, please let me know in the comments.
In healing ourselves, we heal the world.
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Tell me how you have found it helpful in the comments. Or let me know where it doesn’t hit the mark. There’s plenty of room under my stairs for all the things I find disagreeable! ;)
Interesting. Would like to read your ideas on Universal law